No Bull Nutrition Mini Challenge-Day 1

Today marks the first day of No Bull Nutrition’s mini-challenges. These mini- challenges will be released  bi-weekly (Monday and Wednesday) for 11 weeks. They are intended to be used as a tool for those who are either currently members of No Bull Nutrition, participants of one of our nutrition challenges, or simply someone who is curious about what flexible dieting is all about.

So what is flexible dieting? Flexible dieting is not a diet but rather a nutritional concept. It is better described as a lifestyle that allows for you to enjoy the pleasures that we associate with food – but relieves you of the stress that comes from not knowing what choices to make.

Our goal over these next 11 weeks will be to help you create a new relationship with food- while working towards achieving the happy body and mind that you have always wanted.  From there, we will tackle common obstacles and grow our knowledge at the same time.

Don’t worry though, you won’t be in it alone. Feel free to head over to our Facebook page to connect with us. If you are a member, be sure you are an active part of our Facebook group as well, Team No Bull.


 No Bull Nutrition Mini Challenge- Day 1

Before we get started it is important that we set our intentions. Having an idea of where we are now and where we want to be will allow for us to create and set goals. Setting goals is an important step that will allow for us to separate whats irrelevant from what is important to us. Whatever your goals are, stay focused on them and use them as motivation to achieve what it is that you want. I have five simple questions that I want you to think over to help you pin point what your specific goals may be:

1) Where are you now?

2) Where do you want to be?

3) What are your non-negotiables?

4) What does the future look like?

5) What am I going to do to get the future I desire?


Now that you have set your intentions…check back in this Wednesday to see how we can start putting them into action.

With love, Steph

#teamnobull #nobullnutrition

One Response to “No Bull Nutrition Mini Challenge-Day 1”

  1. Nina Roush

    1.I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with not getting enough protein and cabs in white keeping the fat down. I have extra stubborn weight that will not move!!
    2. I want to lean out all the stubborn areas, feel a bit more energy.
    3. Time, I can’t spend a LOT of time figuring out my food everyday.
    4.Consistant, healthy, strong, rested.
    5. Stick with this, I know it will get easier.