25 Tips to Make Tracking Macros Work for You
25 Tips to Make Tracking Macros Work For You- Part I
In order to make tracking macros work for you there are a handful of right (and wrong) ways to go about it. The concept of “eat what you want” that comes with flexible dieting often times lays ground for a big misconception that this way of eating comes with no effort. In reality, if you want this to be lifestyle change for you, you will have to put in the work and learn the right way to do it. In part I of this post we will be sharing the first 25 pro tips on how you can make the most out of flexible dieting and avoid common mistakes that people run into. Let’s get to it..
- When entering your protein into myfitnesspal, be sure you specify whether or not you have weighed the meat raw vs cooked. It will make a BIG difference.
- Double check your protein sources with Calorieking.com and be sure that the macro information is correct. Myfitnesspal unfortunately has a lot of inaccurate data entries.
- When cooking a recipe, write all of the ingredients and their given weight on a notepad and enter in later. This is much easier then trying to cook and enter your recipe in all at the same time!
- If you know what’s for dinner or you plan on eating out, plug your dinner information into myfitnesspal FIRST. Then, you can plan the rest of your day around it.
- Want to get better at estimating your portions? Practice guessing the weight of your food before putting it on to scale so you can begin to build confidence of your estimating skills.
- Bring your own salad dressing, oil, sugar free ketchup, and/or hot sauce to restaurants to help save on extra macros.
- When using the barcode tool on myfitnesspal, be sure you double check the information matches what it says on the nutrition label. Sometimes it is inaccurate and does not match up.
- Always keep food in the house that are “PURE” macro sources. For example, pure protein sources include egg whites, protein powder, tuna, etc.
- If your protein macro is something you struggle to reach, try eating more throughout the day. For example, you can strive to eat 1/3 of your total protein intake at breakfast.
- If you are struggling with staying full, try not to drink your macros. Real food is always going to give you more volume which in turn will leave you feeling fuller for longer.
- Be sure to drink a lot of water throughout the day. A good rule of thumb is to consume 1 oz per pound of body weight. If you are unsure if you are drinking enough, use the myfitnesspal app to track your fluid intake.
- NEVER grocery shop hungry or go out to eat with friends starving. Have a light snack before to help combat your inner demons.
- Sit down and enjoy our meal. Avoid grazing or shoveling food into your mouth as quickly as possible. This will aid in digestion and will help keep you satiated.
- Chew gum while you cook or in between meals to avoid snacking or picking at food from boredom.
- Keep your tempting foods off of the counter or in the back of the fridge. Out of site, out of mind!
- To help avoid overeating or binging, immediately divide your snacks into portions sizes. For example, take a box of cookies and divide them into zip lock bags, 2 per bag.
- Find your go-to meals and macro information at locations closest to you (work, gym, school etc.) This way you will never be without a last minute back up plan
- Keep non-perishable foods in your car, gym bag, or at the office. This way, you will have readily available snacks that you know are macro friendly. Try rice cakes, jerky, fruit strips etc.
- Plan a full day of meals that fit your macros spot on. The, simply copy and paste that day to the next day rather then having to re-enter and guess if you will hit your macros spot on again.
- Plan your most macro dense meal first to make sure you can fit it in and build the rest of your day around it.
- Aim to have one big salad a day or bowl of fruit to help hit your fiber goal.
- If your protein goal seems overwhelming or impossible to hit, divide it into how many meals you plan to eat that day.
- If you are low on your protein goal, add egg whites in to help. Egg whites can be added to nearly anything (in liquid form or hard boiled)
- When traveling, pack tuna packets to throw on-to any ready made salad for some extra protein
- Be sure to call your hotel ahead of time and ensure you have access to a mini-fridge and microwave
Well guys, this concludes part I of our two part series on how to make tracking macros work for you. Be sure to follow up next week when we release Part II with 25 more pro tips to help you do flexible dieting right!